how many people have sat in chaise moi?

Friday, February 10, 2012

School "Art"

In this post I would like to talk about the graffiti you will find at a public school.  It isn't gang signals or spray paint like you would find on the side of the road in New York, no, this graffiti shows how twisted the mind of a public middle school child is (I go to public school as well).  You will find graffiti of male genitalia and of swears; only the; to quote "A Christmas Story", "... F, dash, dash, dash word".  Parents who are reading let us pause for you to give your child a shocked, confused stare and wonder if it's them doing this... and we are back.

These pieces of graffiti can be found everywhere from in the restroom (that is kind of expected) to the lunch tray; I have an experience with that and is as follows:

In seventh grade about half-way through march I decided to buy lunch.  Was release from my fourth period surrounded by about 100 other kids who were being uncaged as well.  To give a mental picture of what a middle school hallway looks like from a first person point of view: you are surrounded by maybe 20 kids all trying to get to the same place as you so you are crushed, you can pick out the kids who are buying lunch because they are trying to get around everyone else.  So you are slowly inching down the hall hear bits of kids gossip like, "and she said..." and "No. Way. He did not...".  Got the basic idea?  Good. Now that is what happened all the way down the hall.

Once I reached the cafeteria I had to cram my way through the door and then the crowd broke up so I went to a lunch line.  When I was there I grabbed a milk carton and reached for the tray but stopped myself and noticed the peculiar "art" that was on the tray.  It was a etch of male genitalia and I glared at the tray in disgust.  I put it back on the pile of trays and look for a clean one.  Tray after tray had the same drawing until about the last ten trays and thats when I got a clean.  I placed my milk carton on it triumphantly and proceeded down the line so I could complain about it to my friends, after all isn't that what friends are for?

In my personal opinion the suburban school graffiti does not compare to  New York's cool, creative street art (an example to the right) -->.  These kids at public schools who think their cool because they draw an inappropriate image or word on something have no idea what they are up against and on that note, I bid you farewell.

Chaise Moi

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