how many people have sat in chaise moi?

Friday, February 10, 2012



With my first blog I would like to state my purpose for blogging.  One word, boredom.  Boredom is defined as "the state of being bored." Really? Brilliant dictionary.  It is a real pain in the @$$ because you have no idea what you will do to occupy yourself.  Attempting to entertain yourself could get you a broken bone.  I feel that this state is a moment for the idiots in life to really shine and do something so stupid that they will be known for it for quite a while.  Me?  I cope with boredom by sitting in front of the television and re-watching old episodes of "The Office" and "The Simpsons" (my parents love that).  Now I am getting guitar lessons and I don't even own a guitar and the guitar I am getting is missing a few strings so we are at Boredom level DefCon 2.

When you've hit rock bottom of this annoying phenomena you can tell, but I'll start in sequence (the key is to catch it early):
  1. Phase 1 boredom begins with you sitting around and looking for something to do; most people have experienced this
  2. Phase 2 is walking around and complaining that there is nothing to do
  3. Phase 3 is when you begin to watch TV or look at stupid videos on youtube like the following (one of my friends told me about that video, and that reminds me, I need to diagnose Phase 3 Boredom Syndrome)
  4. Phase 4 is re-watching those videos or TV episodes and that is when one is in a serious need of a hobby or just anything else to do
By the way boredom isn't all bad, it helped create some things people like for example,  the TV show "Jackass" was started by bored people and Airsoft guns were probably created by bored people not thinking correctly (I personally like Airsoft but I admit; it is pretty pointless -- more on Airsoft in a future post -- oooh something to look forward to! For both of us!).  Boredom is something in need of a cure (I bet Michelle Obama would endorse a cure on a commercial of a re-watched TV episode) but I do give it some respect for captivating more than half of America's teens.

With this new knowledge about boredom go out and fight it!
(and if you know where to find guitar strings PLEASE let me know)
Au revoir, 


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